El mandala más importante de la tradición hindú, que simboliza la creación a partir de la unión de los aspectos femenino y masculino de la divinidad.[/caption]
¿Por qué el nombre de Centro de Yoga Shakti?
Shakti es un término sanscrito utilizado en la cosmología hindú para definir el poder o la fuerza manifestadora de la Consciencia del Universo.
Shakti es la Fuerza de la Vida por excelencia, la fuerza motriz que se halla detrás de todo cambio y evolución. Constituye la Energía universal de la Consciencia, Shiva.
Sin embargo, Shakti o Devi, no es nada sin el polo masculino de la existencia. Shiva y su eterna consorte suelen representarse en unión extática. Forman una unidad. Su unión trascendente es el arquetipo de la relación empírica entre cuerpo y mente, conciencia y materia, masculino y femenino. Tal y como dice el Tantra “Shiva sin Shakti es un shava (cadáver)”, es decir, es incapaz de crear. Pero lo mismo es cierto para Shakti por sí sola. En el Tantra hindú, Shiva representa la Condición primordial en su aspecto no condicionado, como pura Consciencia o Luz. Shakti simboliza es misma Realidad en su movimiento dinámico.
Según observó hace mucho Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), Shakti es el Poder o la Capacidad cósmica y, en cuanto tal, es Dicha (ananda), Supraconsciencia (chit) y Amor (prema). Algunos expertos la llaman “Inteligencia Divina”.
La manifestación microcósmica de esta Energía primordial en cada ser individual, constituye el Poder Universal conectado con el cuerpo-mente finito y es la fuerza psicoespiritual que se conoce como kundalini-shakti.
Por todo esto y más, considerando este pequeño espacio, donde tratamos de transmitir un yoga fiel a tradición, como una mínima manifestación del poder de esa “Madre Cósmica”, conscientes de la fuerza creadora que lo impregna y en tributo y entrega a Ella, invocando su eterna inspiración divina OM SHAKTI OM.]]>
1 comentario en «¿Por qué el nombre de Centro de Yoga Shakti?»
Hi Kavitha, For elaboration, ‘I’ would like to first point out the ‘scientific’ fndiing of evolution of moon – the heavenly body that is seen in the ‘Krishna’, or space-like dark, or black, night-sky from the earth (as different from Sun during the day appearing white while having in the background the blue sky (as an example of one of the aspects of ‘maya’) – to have taken place from earth itself, or/ rather the original earth-moon…One could perhaps find the phenomenon similar to the delivery of a human child – and that of many other mammals also, but unlike them having no tail – after having remained in its mother’s womb for around ‘9’ months. a figure in appearance that could be imagined as numeral ‘0’, or zero, with a tail…And, similar to the belief of existence of earth-moon as one originally, one could also note that Shiva was indicated as ‘Ardhnarishwar’ that is androgynous God…Also, one could notice similarity – from the general advice to Mother’s worshipers to visit Kaal Bhairav’s temple also after having had Her idol’s darshan, say in some Himalayan Temple, while Shiva’s consort, Parvati is depicted as ‘Shailputri’, that is, daughter of stone (Rocky Himalayas!). Or Durga, which literally means a Fort made from stones that is masonry and thus points to Her potency! With the above in one’s mind one would also notice that since time immemorial Hindus, maybe ritually, have worshipped/ believed in yoga of the original Shakti, or Sati, or Devi the Energy but benevolent form of the Creator (Mother) and the scary form of Kaal Bhairava, which read between lines could be found representing in physical forms our Moon and our Earth the ‘mrityulok’, or Shiva the Destroyer, while individually having respective gravitational forces at their respective centres…just as individual human form also is believed to be the fusion or yoga of the mortal material form and the immortal soul that as part of a drama part at some given point in time after its purpose is over…which no one apparently knows 🙂 And perhaps therefore the hint lies in Stephen Hawking’s thought that he expressed in the year 2001 regarding ‘his desire to enter God’s mind’!…